
Showing posts from September, 2013

Unbroken, unlike your editor

Hey, Larry! Could you polish this freshly minted shiny new penny just a little bit more for me? I can't quite see the world reflecting back at me perfectly enough yet. This is how I felt sending editing notes to author Larry Benjamin, after he sent me the manuscript for his latest novel, Unbroken , published by Beaten Track on 20th September 2013. It began back in March, when Larry emailed me: question--do you want to read Unbroken? Do I want to read it? Do I want to read it? Are you serious? After the question with the most obvious answer in the world, Larry wrote: You don't need to feel pressured to publish it Don't feel pressured? Aggggghhhhhhh! Larry Benjamin, you know, whose first novel was published by Carina Press (which is part of Harlequin Group, who are HUGE) says I don't need to feel pressure to publish it? Say what? (it may suck for all I know) Ha! Fat chance of that! So, this email exchange began on Wednesday 13th March. On Thu...