It's a terrible thing to get spammed by people who are actually in your address book, worse still when it looks a lot like they didn't read what they forwarded on beforehand, or at least didn't consider the content and whether it had any credibility. I like to think that this is because they know I, on their behalf, will cast a critical eye and comment on the matters at hand. I'm going to anyway. So, you know the drill... these lil arrows >> indicate that the text is the forwarded message, commentary in italics. >> > This is a true story This is a RED FLAG everyone! Any body of narrative that starts with the words 'This is a true story' generally is about as far from the truth as unicorns sitting in wait on crocks of gold at the end of the rainbow, waiting for unsuspecting leprechauns to meander their way. Anyway, on we go into the abyss of fantasy. > > > > > > > > Last month I attended my annual training session that's...
Showing posts from February, 2009