Boughs of Evergreen, take me in your glorious arms and let me... zzzzzz

So, yes, well.

I have NEVER been so tired in my life. Or not since my dear daughters were yay big [imagine me holding up a finger and thumb with an inchy inchworm sized gap between]. But today my youngest daughter is leaving home. She's the blondie at the start of the Boughs of Evergreen trailer. My eldest says she's never leaving home... can't say I blame her. Home is nice.

Home is also my place of work, and part of the reason I'm so blooming tired, but we'

Boughs of Evergreen - the holiday anthology from Beaten Track - is out on 21st November and today is the 5th [kudos, Mr. Fawkes, not quite the folk hero people think, but anyway] and I am still editing.


But fear not, intrepid readers! We shall be victorious!

How victorious? Well, there's a giveaway to enter, if you're quick! You can find it on the Beaten Track website here:

And here, for your viewing pleasure, is the full-length video trailer for Boughs of Evergreen.

Thank you soooooo much to Georgey Payne for permission to use "It Does Get Better", recorded by The L Project - available on iTunes and Amazon Music for a great price - 100% proceeds to The Trevor Project.

We have a fundraising page for The Trevor Project. They do great work, providing support for LGBTQ youth in crisis. They're US based, so feel free to find your local / national equivalent organisation and extend the hand of friendship / generosity to them. LGBTQ youth are still a group under-represented and very much discriminated against. It's tough being young and "different". I know. I've been there. So please:

  1. Buy our anthology
  2. Enjoy our anthology
  3. Say great things about the anthology to all the people you know, and perhaps even those you don't.

This message is brought to you by the sleep-deprived editor who could not have got this far without the fantastic talents and creativity of the 24 authors who submitted amazing stories, their continued work to proofread for each other, their commitment and enthusiasm really has no bounds. They're all brilliant. If you see them, give them a big festive hug. :)

Thanks also to Shayla, Andrea and Viv for helping out with editing, Nige for the video (shorter edit to come just as soon as he's recovered and forgiven me for making him re-edit it four times), Tami for the cover, Trev...err, I mean Trigger for getting in on the act, and everyone who goes on to buy this amazing, wonderful EPIC anthology. Yule love it!

Sorry. Couldn't resist. :)


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