Reunions - snippet 2 (Kris and Ade) #RainbowSnippets

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group you'll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story's main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

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I'm going with a bit more from Reunions (Hiding Behind The Couch #7) this week. Kris and Ade are flying to Sweden to visit Kris's parents, whom Ade is meeting for the first time. It's also his first time flying, so he's a bit excitable.

This wee excerpt follows on from my previous Reunions snippet. Ade has just discovered what he thought was chocolate and vanilla ice cream is actually salted liquorice. It may be based on a real experience...

Here's the snippet:
Kris watched, amused, as Ade took another scoop of the ice cream he 'didn't like' and braced for the experience. "They won't throw you off the plane for wasting it, you know."

Ade licked his lips clean and drew his tongue back over his teeth, leaving the tip to probe the gap top front. Kris switched to staring into the black-and-white swirls in a bid to stave off the urge to kiss him. It wasn't the kind of kiss that was appropriate for air travel, and judging by Ade's flirtatious smile, he knew exactly what he was doing.

"So, babe," Ade's cold lips and hot breath brushed featherlight over Kris's cheek, "is the mile-high club a real thing?"
Reunions will hopefully be out around Christmastime. *types faster* You can also read about Kris and Ade in Crying in the Rain - a stand-alone bi/gay (M/M) romance.

Thanks for reading,
Deb x


  1. Anonymous1:59 am

    Lol... I hope they joined the club.

    1. LOL. We'll see. It's a really small plane, so it might be tricky.

  2. Oh, lordy! The mile-high club! Haven't seen that in a book for a while. Sounds like fun. :)

    1. Thanks, Lou. I blame the characters.

  3. *sigh* I SOOOO understand that "hopefully be out around..." line!

    Fun snippet. Can't wait to see Kris's reaction.

    1. Nor can I! LOL. That's where I'm up to in writing that scene.

      We'll get there.

  4. Anonymous6:20 am

    This is a lot of fun.

  5. Saucy! I'm sure talking about the mile-high club, if not joining it, will get them hot under the collar!

    1. Of course! Dopey me. :) Louise, you're a star!

  6. Hate liquorice - wonders if they will get to join the 'club'?

    1. Ooer! How did that US spelling sneak in there? :o I'm going with 'damn you, autocorrect'...

  7. Ha! I'm definitely enjoying Ade getting a reaction out of Kris. And licorice ice cream? Ew, nope. I can't stand licorice.

    1. Yep, I'm pretty sure that's the only reason Ade does it. :) I like liquorice, but not in salted form in ice cream (though I did finish it...on the plane to Sweden).

  8. Just saying, if I'd found licorice where I expected chocolate I really wouldn't be in the mood to join the mile high club! ;)

    1. LOL. Could make for an ultra-sensual experience. :D

  9. It's a good thing Ade has a sense of humor. I wouldn't be so easygoing after a taste of licorice ice cream! But then, i don't have a sexy seatmate making the idea easier to swallow. ;)

  10. Ice cream flavours should never be a surprise. Glad to see him rebound so cheerfully :)

    1. Thanks, Amy. :) Ade's a fun character to write.


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