Reunions - Ade and Barbara have a confab #RainbowSnippets #LGBTQ

Well, I wanted to post a New Year’s Eve snippet, but the only part of Reunions I’ve written for NYE is about Shaunna and Andy, and they’re not LGBTQ. But! I do have a scene from Christmas Day that links to the NYE scene by one degree of separation. ;)

Brief explanation:
Shaunna and Andy are a couple. Ade (in the snippet) is with Kris, who was married to Shaunna. Barbara (in the scene) is Andy’s mum. They’re all at Barbara’s rather grand house for Christmas dinner, and there’s some (huge) awkwardness going on between Kris and his stepdaughter (Shaunna’s daughter). Barbara is worried it will ruin the day for everyone.

Here's the snippet:
“It won’t,” Ade assured her. “Kris respects you. I’d even go as far as to say he loves you. You’re his second mum.”

“I’m very fond of him, too, and it’s lovely to see him happy at last. Well, I imagine he was happy with Shaunna…” Barbara pursed her lips before she said something she ought not.

Ade made a point of looking around the room they were in. “That window lets in a lot of light, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it does, especially considering the time of year. The rest of the house is a little on the dark side, mind you.”

Ade nodded, still facing the other way. “Did Andy crush on her as badly when he was young?”

“Oh, he was shocking,” Barbara admitted with a certain amount of relief. For a minute, she’d been worried she’d offended Ade, but judging by the sweet smile he offered her, it wasn’t so.

* * * * *

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group you'll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story's main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

* * * * *

Thanks for reading,
Deb x


  1. Lovely dialogue and description mingling together!

    1. Thank you! :) I'm finding that so hard to do right now, so I really appreciate you saying so.

  2. It's a regular Peyton Place! Fun snippet, and interesting to get the Mom's POV. :-)

    1. Thanks. :) She's a great mom, always rooting for her sons even though they're all big enough to look after themselves now.

  3. I love the reality of changing the subject and circling back again.

    1. Thank you. :) It amazes me how often people do this for real yet no so much in fiction.

  4. I've always thought it was too bad Shaunna's not on our team, LOL. ;) (I'd say "Don't tell Josh I said that," but he'd figure it out in three seconds anyway.) Is it weird that I talk about them like live people?

    Love the snippet. These two seem to be handling the awkward in about the only way they can.

    1. LOL! If you're weird, so am I. And yeah, sigh. It's a crying shame about Shaunna.

  5. Anonymous4:40 pm

    Very nice dialogue in this.


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