No Filter - First Contact #RainbowSnippets #LGBTQIA

I’m not supposed to be writing this, but some characters are very chatty!

In fact, I wasn’t supposed to be writing (or working) at all today, but, erm, I already made a cover. :D

So, here it is: snippet #1 from No Filter - another Checking Him Out / Hiding Behind The Couch crossover (the first being Hiding Out), featuring Matty (CHO) and Libby (HBTC).

Brief background: Libby and Matty first met in Hiding Out, when Libby was fifteen and Matty was an undergrad dance student. No Filter is a year later, and it’s a friendship story, not a romance. Now I’ve got to figure out where in the timeline of both series this falls…

This snippet is from Matty’s point of view.

I couldn’t believe I’d left it so long to get in touch, but we all do it—say stuff like ‘don’t be a stranger’ and make all these promises to write or call. But time flies by, and before you know it, it’s been too long, and you think ‘I must email whoever later’ and then forget about it again. Or that’s what it’s like for me. I can do texting and instant messages and stuff, but I wasn’t sure Libby would have the same number, and if she did, what if she had a boyfriend and he saw her phone? Then he’d be ‘Who’s this Matty, then?’ Awkward.

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Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group you'll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story's main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

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Thanks for reading,
Deb x


  1. Anonymous11:13 pm

    A sentiment I think everyone can relate to at one point or another. Nice snippet.

    1. Thanks, Anne. Yes, I'm very much guilty of leaving it too long.

  2. Definitely can relate...

    1. On the plus side...maybe we're all that bad? ;)

  3. Ah, Matty. I really like that we'll get to be in his head this time. I love the cover. I didn't really think of it before, but Libby looks a bit...wistful? Sad? Something. Also, a friendship story sounds fabulous.

    1. Matty's head is...interesting. LOL. Yes, she does look a bit wistful, doesn't she? I wonder why.

  4. I'm definitely emphasizing with Matty here! :)

  5. Heheheh oh yeah, I've heard that one. Don't be a stranger, now. Great snippet, Debbie. :)

  6. And then eventually it's been so long that the guilt piles up and you avoid it even longer.

    1. Yes, that very true. Glad I'm not the only one!

  7. Nice snippet, Matty sounds like a sweet and thoughtful guy.

    1. Thanks Louise. Matty's lovely, if not a little flighty! :)

  8. Ha! Yeah, I think most of us have been in those shoes! Great snippet! :-)


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