No Filter - Loaded Banana #RainbowSnippets #LGBTQIA

Snippet #2 from No Filter - another Checking Him Out / Hiding Behind The Couch crossover (the first being Hiding Out), featuring Matty (CHO) and Libby (HBTC).

I should say deliberate cross-over, as today, I realised I’d accidentally (or maybe not?) put characters from both series in exactly the same place at the same time—even though they live 250 miles apart—although they don’t interact. I wonder if they even noticed each other? Hmm. (For those who are curious, it was in The WAG and The Scoundrel and The Making Of Us)

Brief background: Libby and Matty first met in Hiding Out, when Libby was fifteen and Matty was an undergrad dance student. No Filter is a year later; it’s a very early work in progress, and it’s a friendship story, not a romance. Now I’ve figured out where it fits in the timeline of both series, I sort of know what I’m doing. Possibly.

This snippet is from Matty’s point of view. Noah is Matty’s SO.
“Did you want me?”

A banana appeared right in front of my face, like, so close I could smell it. It made my mouth water—I didn’t even like bananas, or not much. Give me a Mars bar any day, especially after dance practice. Or a Crunchie. God, I love Crunchies. The way the honeycomb breaks off when you bite it. Not sure why it’s orange, though, when honey’s kind of yellow. “What’s this?” I asked.

“A banana?” Noah’s mouth stayed in a perfect straight line, while his eyes were proper laughing at my question.

I took the banana and peered along it, aiming it at him. “Is it loaded?”


As was he—with fruit. “No chocolate?”
* * * * *

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group you'll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story's main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

* * * * *

Thanks for reading,
Deb x


  1. LOL, I really want to know what on earth is going on in this scene. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the world through Matty's eyes. You really may yet convince me to love Noah.

    1. Through Matty's eyes? You'll be head over heels in no time. ;)

    2. Ha! I believe it. Well, my grandmother used to say there's a lid for every kettle, so I guess that's how Matty and Noah are.

    3. I like that saying! I've never heard it before. :)

  2. Cute scene. I love the humor in it. And now I'm hungry for fruit. And chocolate.

  3. LOL! I'm with Matty...where's the chocolate?! ♡

    1. Yep, I'd definitely be with Matty here. I haven't had a Mars bar in absolutely ages. Or a Crunchie...Oh dear, what have I done?

  4. Banana smothered in chocolate and...*turns toward the kitchen* Not certain what's happening yet, but i love the dialogue.

    1. Ha, thanks. Mmm...banana and chocolate does sound good.

  5. LOL! Love this exchange!

  6. Intriguing snippet, Debbie. :)

  7. I love Matty. I loved Matty and Noah so much in The Making of Us I had to go back and get the earlier books they appeared in. Okay, Noah was a bit of a dick to begin with but he definitely grew on me. Matty is so adorable it was love at first sight.

    1. Oh, wow - thank you for reading my books! I agree with your assessment of Noah. :D

  8. I love the build up - bananas are one of my favorites!

  9. Ooh goodie, another one. I love Matty and Noah and Leigh and Jesse and the others. I've been reading the series while I was camping last week :)


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