Sock Advent Calendar - 17th December + win a pair of Christmas socks!

Well, it seems I'm about as useful at posting a sock Advent calendar as I am at opening my Swizzels Advent Calendar, but never mind. It gives me a chance to share my love of Christmas socks, intimately, with at least one other person.

You'll notice from the 11th to 16th I got in a bit of a mess and now I don't know which socks go with which day. Oh, no! :o

OK, I do, because I'm a bit...unique that way.

If you'd like to win a pair of (new) Christmas socks, all you have to do is figure out which socks I wore on which days, and I will send you your very own pair! Hurrah!

Here are the socks in question:

In case the images aren't clear, from left to right, the socks are decorated with:
  • Robins
  • Reindeer
  • Santa
  • Pugs
  • Penguins
  • Holly
Lastly, and most importantly of all... you might have noticed that on the 9th, I wore two different socks - or so it appears. I didn't (although I did on the 3rd because the first pair got wet).

The 9th of December is the birthday of the lovely friend who bought me my very first pair of Christmas socks (back in 1989) and started me off on this whole crazy Christmas sock extravaganza.

The socks on the right, in all their 80s fluorescence, are the ones she bought me...

...and the ones on the left are those I wore in memory of her, because she was a huge fan of Snoopy (like me).

Sock it to me. ;)

Thanks for shoe!


  1. OMG, I've fallen in love socks lately.

    Robins 15
    Reindeer 12
    Santa 11
    Pugs 16
    Penguins 13
    Holly 14

    1. Socks are awesome! :)

      You got 3 out of 6, which is pretty bloody awesome too!

      No limits on number of guesses, by the way.


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