#WIPpet Wednesday - Alumni: In The Spirit

It's WIPpet Wednesday again. :)

I've been staying at my mum's for the past week, looking after/being looked after by this fine chap. Now I'm home, and my dogs don't care one way or the other. The cat seems pleased I'm here, though.

I didn't get much writing done this week, more focused on audiobooks and getting everything in place for the release of Goth of Christmas Past next month. I've almost made a video trailer, and preordering is in progress. I also managed to add a little bit more to Alumni.

Brief story info:
Alumni is Season Eight of Hiding Behind The Couch, and obviously has some elements of the characters coming face-to-face with old acquaintances from university and the like (readers of the series might recognise a name or two in the snippet).

This follows from last week's snippet; Genie has called on Xander—a long-term friend who purportedly sees ghosts—to get to the bottom of strange goings-on in her home.

WIPpet maths for 19th September:
19x12=228 words.

And the WIPpet Snippet:
“Can I get you a drink, Xander?”

“Scotch, no ice.”

“Of course. Come through to the drawing room.” She moved off, glancing back to check he was following. “I haven’t seen you in years. It would be nice to catch up.”

“Nice,” Xander repeated. “Yes, it would be nice, but you asked me here to look into your…”

“Poltergeist?” Genie opened the drinks cabinet and eyed the line of bottles of Scotch. “Do you have a preferred brand?”

“Ardbeg. You won’t have any.”

“No, you’re quite right. I’m a wine drinker myself.”

“I drink wine.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve done so before. Many times.”

“But if you’d rather have whisky…”

“Choose me a drink and pour it. Please.”

“As you wish.” Genie picked up the bottle of red she’d opened at lunchtime and retrieved two clean glasses, watching Xander out of the corner of her eye. He was soundlessly clicking his fingers and circling, inspecting the room.

“When did you move into this house?” he asked.

“Thirteen years ago. It belonged to my grandmother. When she died, I bought it from my father.”

“You didn’t inherit it from your grandmother?”

“No, I—”

“Did she die here?”

“No. On the way to the hospital. Why? Do you think—”

“She’s not your…poltergeist. How old is your daughter? Seventeen?”

Genie had already answered the question, but confirmed it again.

* * * * *

What is WIPpet Wednesday?
WIPpet Wednesday is a blog hop where authors share from their current works in progress - expertly organised/hosted by Emily Wrayburn - and the excerpt has to relate to the date in some way. For links to other fabulous authors' WIPpets, visit: http://www.inlinkz.com/wpview.php?id=355404

Thanks for reading
Deb x


  1. Uh-oh, Xander sees grandma’s ghost.

  2. Wondering where his questions are going. Intriguing.

  3. I love a good ghost hunt!

  4. Poltergeist - hmm. Psychokinesis?


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