#WIPpet Wednesday - Alumni: There's Something Here

It's Wednesday, and I haven't posted a WIPpet since April - if it sounds like some kind of --- Anonymous admission, well, it sort of is. I love my work, so that's what I do. Work. I think I even use it to procrastinate on writing, and I've been...too busy to write, never mind post to my blog.

Brief story info:
Alumni is Season Eight of Hiding Behind The Couch, and obviously has some elements of the characters coming face-to-face with old acquaintances from university and the like (readers of the series might recognise a name or two in the snippet).  I'm hoping posting will kickstart my brain into writing some more.

WIPpet maths for 5th September:
12 - 5 = 7 mentions of Xander by name (yeah, yeah).

And the WIPpet Snippet:
Standing dead centre of Genie’s daughter’s liquorice-all-sorts-inspired bedroom, Lord Xander Etherington-Bowes flapped his hand—palm up, palm down, palm up, palm down—and hummed a monotone melody.

“What’s he doing?” Genie whispered, watching from the doorway with Xander’s personal secretary, Jonathan, her entrance barred by his arm. It was entirely unnecessary; with all the strange goings-on, she had no intention of setting foot in that room.

“Checking for changes in temperature.” Jonathan gestured with his head, returning Genie’s attention to Xander, who had moved off, his steps spiralling out from his starting point, still humming and flip-flapping his hand.

“Does it work?”

“If there’s anything here,” Jonathan confirmed.

“There’s something here,” Xander said. He stopped both walking and flapping and stared at a point somewhere above the queen-size bed. “Where is she?”

“The poltergeist? That’s what you’re here—”

“No,” Xander cut her off.

Genie looked to Jonathan in query.

“Your daughter?”

“Oh, she’s at a friend’s. Why?”

“We will stay here tonight,” Xander stated.

“Yes, that’s…fine,” Genie agreed. The entire situation was utter insanity to begin with and certainly couldn’t be made any more so by having Xander Etherington-Bowes sleep over.

* * * * *

What is WIPpet Wednesday?
WIPpet Wednesday is a blog hop where authors share from their current works in progress - expertly organised/hosted by Emily Wrayburn - and the excerpt has to relate to the date in some way. For links to other fabulous authors' WIPpets, visit: http://www.inlinkz.com/wpview.php?id=355404

Thanks for reading
Deb x


  1. Hi, Debbie! I'm new to WIPpet Wednesday. I just have to say that Lord Xander Etherington-Bowes is the best name ever. I'm about to start reading When Skies Have Fallen, and I'm very much looking forward to it.

    1. Hi Anne - good to 'meet' you! :) Ah, Xander. He's...fun? LOL. I hope you enjoy When Skies Have Fallen (and thank you).

  2. Glad to see you back!! This is definitely an interesting snippet.

    1. Thanks, Fallon. It's nice to be back! :)

  3. Hahahahahahahahahaha! *falls over from laughing*

    I'm not sure if I exactly like Xander, but...well, he's certainly unique.

    No pressure, but you *know* how excited I am for this, no matter how long it takes until it's ready. :)

    1. <3 I'm not sure how I feel about Xander either, but I enjoy the effect he has on certain other people. :D

      Thank you. I really appreciate you! x

  4. What an interesting character -- Xander through his actions and his decision to stay the night is intriguing. Names, setting, actions -- all make me want to turn that page. Welcome back!

  5. Say hi to my writing, and in real life, sis, Anne (points above). I agree with her, that's a wonderful name. I'm still trying to catch up on your books... all things in good time.


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